About me
My journey to Bowled Over began in 2019. I had recently turned 40 and was a full-time working mother of two (awesome!) children when I discovered a lump in my left breast. Three days later I was informed that I had invasive ductal carcinoma (aka Breast Cancer). And just a couple of months after that, new scans confirmed that I was actually a de novo metastatic breast cancer patient, meaning the cancer had already spread elsewhere in my body and I was stage IV from the very beginning. But through incredible breakthroughs in cancer research, the loving support of so many friends and family, and a gigantic stroke of luck, I am still here 4 years later launching Bowled Over in 2023.
Being part of a cancer community and having worked with a non-profit specializing in hunger insecurity for several years, I understand first-hand how wonderful it feels to receive an unexpected meal. Our soups are made in small batches with only all-natural ingredients that are fresh and locally sourced whenever possible. Our beautiful bowls are each handcrafted by local artisans. And our profits are shared with those who care for the most vulnerable. Thank you so much for considering a gift from Bowled Over, and know that when you give from us, you are giving back in so many ways. - Taryn